Jamia ka Tarana

Jamia ka Tarana
Showing posts with label Nostalgia-2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nostalgia-2. Show all posts

Apr 16, 2007


Article by Khursheed Yusuf Bhai, Very Old Jamiaet in Dubai.
Inspiring message reflecting values of JMI.


What you are seeing to-day as; Jamia Millia Islamia, a sprawling Central University, has an unparallel unique story behind it, of dedication, devotion, unseen and unheard of sacrifices, selfless commitments, tremendous team work of the founders and makers; which includes some of the front line names like Mahatma Gandhi, Jawahar Lal Nehru, Ali Brothers (Maulana Mohammed Ali Johar and Maulana Shaukat Ali Johar ), Dr.Zakir Hussain, Dr. Abid Hussain, Prof. Mohammed Mujeeb etc. and the team of devoted teachers, other staff members and workers.Their sole aim was to stand steadfastly behind their leaders to establish a Unique National Secular Educational Institution of highest international standard.They had bare minimum resources but loads of determination and the willpower to fight and conquer all the odds and obstacles which may come in the way.
My aim here is not to tell you the history of JMI, but to give you a brief idea of the vision and the spirit of the people behind to-days modern, magnificent central university called Jamia Millia Islamia.
I am simply penning a small incident to give you an idea about the thinking and outlook of those people; who were the real force in the formation of this great Institution………….
On one of the convocations of Jamia Millia Islamia Dr. Zakir Hussain invited the then Prime Minister Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru to be the chief guest. Well alright, the P.M was invited but the main worry of Dr. Zakir Hussain was to present the best picture of Jamia Millia Islamia in every word of it, be it the different programmes of the function , the decoration, the environment with limited financial resources and a very tight schedule. The venue which he selected for this occasion needed lots of leveling and cleaning and as per the Head of the Building Dept. (TAAMIRAT) it was impossible to make that area ready according to the instructions of Dr. Zakir Hussain in that limited time and budget.
The Head of the Building Dept. worked to his utmost capability with his limited resources day and night. But a morning before the date of the function Dr. Zakir Hussain found that a significant portion of the main venue still needed dressing and cleaning.
And he assessed that it could not be completed before 10.00A.M next morning. He was quite concerned and got worried. Immediately he sent a word for Mr. Abul Kalam, the then Director, Institute Of Arts Education, his team’s one of the most trusted, loyal, and dependable colleague.

He informed him about the present crises and instructed him to get the work finished latest by 6AM next morning and left the place confidently, having full trust in his capabilities.
The orders of Dr. Zakir Hussain were taken by his team; as the commands from the highest authority on the earth and they were there to be carried out and completed in time.
Mr. Abul Kalam went immediately to his Institute and called an emergency meeting of his obedient students and put forward the most difficult task in front of them. The army of those youthful, zealous students immediately without any slightest hesitation joined hands with their most respected teacher Mr.Abul Kalam to take up this herculean task..
Dr. Zakir Hussain came to the site next morning at 5A.M and to his utmost surprise the whole venue was immaculately dressed up with a real fresh look and Mr.Abul Kalam’s team was giving final finishing touches. The team had worked non-stop through out the day and night.
Dr. Zakir Hussain left the place un-noticed to return back shortly, and called Mr.Abul Kalam, embraced him with tremendous joy and affection and said that; even he new that the task was almost impossible to accomplish in such a short time. Mr. Kalam along with his dedicated team had done it. He took out a round object wrapped up in a stitched cloth and gave it to Mr. Abul Kalam saying that; this the first ripe Guava (Amrood) of his garden and it is for him.
There were tears of joy in the eyes of Mr. Abul Kalam, because this simple gift meant much more to him than the finest award or trophy anyone could get.
This is only a small incident but one which embodies the spirit and simple-heartedness of the people who contributed and worked tirelessly to give shape to to-days modern and famous central university THE JAMIA MILLIA ISLAMIA.


Jamia ka tarana (english)

This is the land of my hopes
This is the land of my dreams
This is where men with zeal stayed
Men who answered the leaders' call
It is here that torn-off love
Found the cohesive chords
It is here that wayward passions
Formed into frenzied love
It is here that the wild tulip learnt
How to make the scar of heart aglow
This is the land of my hopes
This is the land of my dreams
This is the place of men of vision
And of those with a challenging thought
Every morning here is new
And every evening newer still
Different is this tavern
And different are its norms
Different are the dancing cups
And different is their dance
Here drinking begets thirst a new
And different is this tavern's call
This is the land of my hopes
This is the land of my dreams
Here, conscience is the beacon light
And conscience is the guide
Here is the Mecca of heart resides the guiding faith
Ceaseless movement is our faith
And blasphemy it is to stay still
Here, the destined goal is the march on and on
Here, the swimming urge seeks
Newer and newer storms
Restless wave itself is our resurrected shore

Translated by: Prof. M. Zakir